Learn to Play Altay Dawn of Civilization

Learn to Play: Altay Dawn of Civilization

McPherson’s The Village Geek
116 North Main St.
McPherson, KS 67460

Friday, January 31, 6:00 – 9:00pm

Altay: Dawn of Civilization is an original blend of deck-building, civilization development, and area expansion. Players control one of four factions, each represented by a starting deck with unique cards and with subtle differences in the number of "basic" cards. Each turn, players use their cards to produce resources (stone, metal, wood, knowledge), build new settlements and expand on the board, attack or defend against their enemies, or manipulate their decks or card hand.

Learn to play this new game for free. Get a Village Geek Rewards sticker for participating and the opportunity to purchase this title at a special discount. Jed Litwiller is teaching.